Legendary Life Podcast with Ted Ryce
By-weekly interviews, strategy, and advice on taking control of your health, losing fat, upgrading your body, and creating a legendary life.
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The Body Transformation Blueprint : How To Reclaim Your Health & Build Your Best Body Ever in 2021 with Ted Ryce – Part 2
In this special 3-episode series, Ted reveals how to "unlock” the 4 hidden keys necessary to transform your body in record time even if you're in your 40s, 50s, or even 60s! Plus: The 4 biggest diet & exercise myths stopping you from reclaiming your young, attractive, healthy, and energetic body... Once and for all!
The Body Transformation Blueprint : How To Reclaim Your Health & Build Your Best Body Ever in 2021 with Ted Ryce – Part 1
In this special 3-episode series, Ted reveals how to "unlock” the 4 hidden keys necessary to transform your body in record time even if you're in your 40s, 50s, or even 60s! Plus: The 4 biggest diet & exercise myths stopping you from reclaiming your young, attractive, healthy, and energetic body... Once and for all!
434: Slow Metabolism: Is It To Blame For Weight Gain with Ted Ryce – Part 2
Do you know people who complain about having a slow metabolism and how they barely eat anything yet still gain weight? Or have you met people who complain about someone they know who can eat whatever he or she wants — including large portions of junk food — due to a fast metabolism and apparently never gain weight? In this episode, you’ll find out how metabolism affects weight loss, the true connection between your metabolism, and what you can do it about. Listen Now!
Ted Talk 64: Feeling Pandemic Guilt? You’re Not Alone
The coronavirus pandemic has stirred a variety of emotions and feelings within everyone. Frustration, sadness, anxiety and stress are just a few. On top of that Christmas is on the corner and we have so much to do. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted will explain how "stuffing emotions" can be harmful to your health. Plus, how to cope with negative feelings and make this end of the year less stressful for you and your loved ones.
433: Slow Metabolism: Is It To Blame For Weight Gain with Ted Ryce – Part 1
Do you know people who complain about having a slow metabolism and how they barely eat anything yet still gain weight? Or have you met people who complain about someone they know who can eat whatever he or she wants — including large portions of junk food — due to a fast metabolism and apparently never gain weight? In this episode, you’ll find out how metabolism affects weight loss, the true connection between your metabolism, and what you can do it about. Listen Now!
Ted Talk 63: Help! I Want To Become A Winner In Life
Let's talk about personal transformation. The transformation from not feeling great to becoming a winner in life. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted shares his journey from feeling like a loser to becoming a winner. Plus, tips on what are the most successful methods for getting there. Listen now!
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