Personal Development

Discover proven methods to address your inner conflicts, unlock your true potential, and align your life with what you really value, so you can create a legendary life.

328: How 9 Months In Asia Changed My Life with Ted Ryce

If you’re listening to the podcast for a while you know that Gisele and I are traveling through South East Asia for a while. I’m a big believer that "Travel is the only thing that you buy that makes you richer.” Listen to this episode to discover how taking a big risk and following my dream lead to an incredible journey and the biggest lessons that I've learned in the past 9 months that you can benefit from.

327: From Bullying to World Kickboxing Champion with Alain “The Panther” Ngalani

Have you ever wondered what kind of man can come out of the harsh terrains of Africa and end up becoming a 4th-time world champion kickboxer, as well as a reputable MMA competitor? Well, look no further for that man is Alain Ngalani—tough, dedicated and determined. In this episode, you’ll learn that appreciation, respect for others, and hard work can take you a long way in life. 

324: How To Cultivate A Buddhist Monk’s Mindset with Phra KK

Have you ever wanted to try meditation? Maybe you've heard of CEOs and high-level entrepreneurs extolling the benefits of meditation. Well, today's episode is with Phra KK, the monk who leads the Monkchat meditation retreat in Wat Suandok Chiang Mai, Thailand. Gisele and I did the 1-day and then the 2-day meditation and had an incredible time. After the experience, I wanted to bring Phra KK on Legendary Life to give you a deeper understanding of the lives of monks in Thailand while giving you a taste of the power of meditation.

320: The Power Of Strategic Quitting with Ted Ryce

We’ve all heard the saying: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” But what if we’ve been looking at quitting all wrong? What if, rather than a step backward, quitting with intention can be a way to leap toward your goals? In this episode, you'll learn when quitting is a good idea. Listen Now!

319: How to Control Your Thoughts and Become the Master of Your Mind with Ted Ryce

Do you have trouble controlling your emotions? Do you get "triggered" easily? Do you know what to do to improve your life but you just can't make yourself take action? Your mind is the most powerful tool you have for the creation of good in your life, but if not used correctly, can also be the most destructive force in your life. In this episode, Ted discusses how control your mind through your physiology. You'll learn the 4 ways in which you can influence your mood and energy levels to accomplish more and create success in your life.

318: How To Get Unstuck (So You Can Finally Achieve The Health And Life You Deserve) with Ted Ryce

It's easy to get in a rut. Maybe you have goals but for some reason you are not reaching for them. Maybe you are worried, or afraid to make a decision or change something in your life. Or maybe you're disappointed with how a particular situation turned out, and it just feels too hard to move on. Listen to this special episode to learn how to get unstuck and finally achieve the health and life you deserve.

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