Personal Development

Discover proven methods to address your inner conflicts, unlock your true potential, and align your life with what you really value, so you can create a legendary life.

Ted Talk 20: My Dad Is Driving Me Insane. Help!

Are your aging parents driving you a little nuts? If so, you're not alone. In this Ted Talk episode I share with you what I'm going through with my dad since I  arrived in Florida. And I also revealed what tool is helping me mentally and emotionally prepare for this battle. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 18: The United State Of Stress

I think it’s safe to say 2020 is off to a tense start. We’re hearing anxious news out of the Middle East, North Korea, and elsewhere in the world. The U.S. stock market is dipping. Oil prices are rising. It’s stressful. We are living in the United States of Stress right now. And in this Ted Talk episode, I talk about how these events are affecting our health, relationships, work, and life balance. Plus, I share strategies on how we can control our environment to live a better life despite the current events. Listen now.

Ted Talk 16: Help! I’m Trapped And Stuck In My Comfort Zone

Do you feel stuck? Like, you know there’s a better or more efficient or productive way to show up, but you are confused about how to do it, leaving you feeling even more stuck? Fortunately, there is a way through! In this Ted Talk episode, I discuss 3 fundamental, and often subconscious, reasons why people end up feeling stuck in life, how this unintentionally blocks our true potential, and what to do about it. Listen Now!

380: How to Improve Your Communication Skills to Be Successful in Life with Mary Shores

We live in a social and interactive world. Our success in life depends on our ability to communicate and interact with each other – at home, at school, at work, everywhere. In this powerful episode, communication expert Mary Shores explains how to communicate in a way where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued. Plus, the 5 words that you should remove from your vocabulary today. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 13: HELP! I Need To Get 2020 Off To A Good Start!

Many people have so many things they want to change about their lives they don’t know where to start. Whatever your goal may be, whether it’s losing some weight, making more money, or having a better intimate relationship, it’s inevitable that you’ll find yourself confronted by fears and blockages when you attempt to move forward. So, where do you start? That's what this episode is about. I'm going to help you make 2020 your best year ever. Listen now!

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