Personal Development

Discover proven methods to address your inner conflicts, unlock your true potential, and align your life with what you really value, so you can create a legendary life.

Ted Talk 180: Unlocking the Million-Dollar Mindset: My $15,000, One-Day Coaching Journey

Imagine a diamond. It starts its journey deep beneath the earth’s surface as a lump of coal. The coal undergoes immense pressure and temperature over millions of years, transforming it into a brilliant diamond. Now, imagine if you could replicate that process in a single day, transforming your mindset from coal to diamond in 24 hours. In today’s Ted Talk episode, will reveal how he achieved exactly that, sharing the lessons he learned and the remarkable transformation he experienced. Tune in now and listen!

543: The Confidence Factor: How Physical Fitness Boosts Self-Esteem And Leadership Presence In Executives with ted Ryce

What makes a great leader stand out from the rest? Confidence. Confidence in yourself, in your abilities, and in your team. It’s a powerful trait that can make or break a leader’s success. One often overlooked (but highly effective) way to boost confidence and enhance leadership presence is through regular physical fitness. In this episode, Ted will explore the science behind the link between exercise and self-esteem, and provide actionable tips to help you become a more confident, successful leader. Listen now!

Ted Talk 178: Lost Your Motivation To Work Out And Get In Shape? Here’s Why (And How To Get Back On Track)

Are you struggling to find motivation to work out and get in shape? Do you often tell yourself that you're just lazy and lack discipline? What if we told you that the real problem is something different? In today's Ted Talk episode, Ted explores the psychology and neuroscience of motivation and shares practical tips for getting back on track with your health and fitness goals.  Listen now!

Ted Talk 175: How Much Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself To Get To The Next Level

Spending time and money on self-development is crucial for sustained growth; there's no doubt about it. Yet even after putting in hundreds of reps and being consistent, you'll realize there's a limit to where you can take yourself. In today's Ted Talk, Ted reveals the secret shortcut you need to take to achieve success and pump up your happiness baseline for good. Listen Now!

540: Unlock Your Potential: How to Motivate Yourself Without The Negative Self-Talk

Do you use negative talk or self-shaming to call you out every time you skip the gym or eat a delicious dessert? What about the results of that approach? Are you making any progress in your fat-loss journey? In today's episode, Ted reveals how to motivate yourself without negative talk or self-shaming. He explains why motivation fueled by speaking negatively to yourself can be damaging rather than helpful and what to do instead to unlock your true potential. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 174: How Your Environment Can Make Or Break Your Success

“Just do it”….. this Nike mantra has been a motivational quote for a lot of us. The truth is that getting motivated every day can be very tricky and elusive. You might not realize it, but your environment literally shapes your life. Listen to this Real Talk Friday episode, where Ted explains how your environment impacts your life and reveals a step-by-step guide on creating an environment where you can thrive and achieve your goals this year! Listen now!

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