
What if the ability to look, feel, and perform at peak capacity was within easy reach? Discover proven strategies to upgrade your brain, optimize your body, and defy aging.

422: Become Stronger To Live Longer: The Importance Of Muscle Strength For Healthy Aging with Dr. Stuart Phillips

While it's clear that diet can affect longevity, there's great uncertainty about which combinations of foods are best for attaining a long and healthy life. In this episode, our special guest Dr. Stuart Phillips reveals the latest research on protein as a key nutrient for muscle health and longevity. Listen Now!

415: How To Boost Brain Health & Fight Dementia with Ted Ryce

Can you help your brain stay healthy as you age by doing things that challenge your mind? Could that also help you avoid memory loss, or even prevent or delay dementia such as Alzheimer's? In this episode, host Ted Ryce explains the latest research on how exercise, nutrition, stress, and depression can affect brain function and how you can boost your brain health and fight dementia. Listen now!

404: Asian Secrets To A Happy, Long & Healthy Life with Ror Alexander

Statistically, Asians are the slimmest people on Earth. "That’s genetics," you’ll say. But that’s not true: traditions and habits also play a big part in staying fit. In this episode, our special guest “The Wellness Architect” Ror Alexander reveals secrets that help Asians stay in shape without strict diets or exhausting exercises, and the best part live longer and healthier. Listen now!

377: Why Everything You Think About Aging May Be Wrong with Dr. Charles Brenner

The second half of your life can bring some of your most rewarding decades. But when it comes to healthy aging and your diet, there are plenty of mixed up “facts” that need to be unraveled. In this episode, our special guest Dr. Charles Brenner separates nutrition fact from fiction and explain the science of aging better. Listen now!

375: Longevity 101: How To Live Longer, Stronger & Healthier with Keith Baar

In this episode, we asked longevity expert Keith Baar what are the most impactful things you can do right now to live longer—and stay healthy and strong enough to really enjoy your golden years. The sooner you start applying these tips, the sooner you can start planning what you'll be doing 30 years from now. So, what are you waiting for?

368: Fit Over 40: Everything You Need To Know About Nutrition, Training, Sleep & Longevity with Dr. Mike Nelson

You’ve exercised all your life. This is how you’ve always maintained a healthy weight. Now that you’re past age 40, you’re finding that the weight doesn’t stay off as easily as it used to ― even though you’re still working hard in the gym. In this special episode, our guest Dr. Mike T. Nelson will explain how to get fit after 40 even if you're super busy and blaming your hormones or age. Listen now!

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