Fat Loss Over 40

Strong Hook Here: This is our best content for fat loss. Suppose you’re in a bit about our approach, like we don’t believe in quick fixes, trended diets, and expensive supplements.We really believe in changing your habits and your lifestyle.

Ted Talk 100: 7 Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight

You don’t need us to tell you that losing weight and maintaining it is hard, especially with all the conflicting information we read on the Internet. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted will reveal 7 of the fat loss mistakes he made while trying to get in shape so you can save years of trial and error and increase your chances of success. Listen now!

Ted Talk 99: Help! I Can’t Stop Emotional Eating!

It’s a common thing for people to search for comfort in food when they feel down. And while rewarding ourselves with goodies from time to time is a great thing to do, when emotional eating becomes a daily habit it can cause serious problems to our overall health. But how do we stop this emotional eating habit? Find out from this new Ted Talk episode!

Ted Talk 98: Ask Ted: Do Hormones Stop Us From Losing Fat?

The media tells us that fat loss is not about calories, but it is actually about hormones. Is it true? In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted will answer a listener's question about the link between hormones and fat loss. If you want to know if your hormones are making you fat, listen now.

465: The New Science Of Fat Loss with Dr. Stephan Guyenet

If you struggle with losing weight or find it difficult to maintain your diet, today's guest Dr. Stephan Guyenet is here to explain why overeating is actually a natural behavior based on how your brain is wired. His perspective will enlighten and allow you to understand yourself better so you can start implementing lifestyle changes and make better food choices. Listen now!

Ted Talk 94: Ask Ted: Can An Anti-inflammatory Diet Help Me Lose Weight?

Have you ever wondered if there was any connection between fat loss and anti-inflammatory foods? Or maybe you even tried anti-inflammatory diets to lose weight, but you didn’t achieve the results you expected? Maybe you read a lot of conflicting information about this subject on the Internet, but now it’s time to find out the science-based truth from another Ask Ted episode! Listen now!

Ted Talk 91: I’m Doing Everything Right, But I’m Still Not Losing Weight. What’s Going On?

If you're following the perfect clean eating diet, working out several times per week, but the stubborn pounds just won't come off. Then know that you're not alone! In this Ted Talk episode Ted will share his personal struggle with clean eating. Also, he will reveal the most common reasons why you're not losing weight. Plus, actionable tips on how to break through the plateau and get things moving again. Listen Now!

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