
There are so many health and workout supplements to choose from. Learn the EXACT supplements that work and what is not worth your money.

My Favorite Supplements For Building Muscle, Better Sleep, Stress Reduction, And Optimal Health In 2018 with Ted Ryce

Overwhelmed by the vitamin aisle? Are you confused about which supplements are worth your money and which ones are not? Here's what your body needs—and can really help you upgrade your health, lose weight, build muscle, and improve your life in 2018. Read now!

264: Fix Your Diet: Understanding Macronutrients, Calories, Training, Supplements & More (Through An Evidence-Based Approach) with Alan Aragon

There are so many diets out there, but which ones actually work? In this episode, renowned nutrition expert Alan Aragon will share what the science says about the most popular diets while explaining the long-term effects on your body and health. Plus, he will crack the latest fish oil, coconut oil, and butter controversy. Listen to this episode and learn how to fix your diet so you don’t get confused by nutrition advice again.

193: Hidden Secrets of The Supplement Industry with Ryan Munsey

Maybe your doctor recommended you start taking a supplement. Maybe you stumbled across an article somewhere that suggested a certain supplement would make you stronger. Or maybe you heard that everyone over a certain age should be taking a daily multivitamin. There are any number of reasons to take supplements. And in today’s world, taking the appropriate supplement can be a critical part of a healthy life. But there is a big dirty secret in the supplement industry, and that's what you're about to discover in this episode. Plus, a special gift for you at the end. Listen Now!

15: The truth behind the top 7 nutrition supplements: The media is lying to you with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky

The truth behind high-protein diets and cancer. Do fish oil supplements really increase prostate cancer risk? How and Why the media distorts health information Supplements every men needs Dr. Spencer Nadolsky's top supplement recommendations Discover the best pre workout supplement for men What kind of protein supplement is right for you? The secret supplement for depression

6: The future of bodybuilding, insiders secrets about the supplement industry and much more with Kit Sanderson

In this podcast, you will learn: Insiders secrets about the supplement industry The answer to: "is Bodybuilding dead?" Where supplements fit in a bodybuilding plan Why meal plans are more important than supplements

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