Health Optimization

Discover proven strategies and methods to reclaim your health and upgrade your body even if you’re super busy growing your business or career and taking care of your loved ones.

Ted Talk 114: Help! I Keep Falling Off The Wagon Of My Health Journey

You’ve been struggling to lose weight for a while now, but you feel like you are in a constant rollercoaster ride where you keep losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again. So, you start wondering: “Is there something wrong with me? Maybe I should give up!”. If that sounds familiar, the good news is that there is nothing wrong with you, and if you think about giving up, listen to this new Ted Talk episode before making that decision!

Ted Talk 113: Help! How Can I Build Resilience & Cope With All The Stress And Anxiety In My Life

Our constant, relentless exposure to the news, social media, and stressful environments, and everything else we're dealing with in our personal lives has a way of making us feel overwhelmed and helpless. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce will reveal why we usually crack under pressure, what we can do to prevent that, and how we can become resilient to cope with all the stress and anxiety in our lives. Listen Now!

480: How To Become Stress-Proof: The Secret To A Stress-Free Life with Dr. Mithu Storoni, MD, PhD

Stress is our body’s response to threat and danger, a response that is meant to protect us when working properly. It helps us stay alert, energetic, and focused in order to be able to defend ourselves in dangerous situations. But when it becomes chronic, stress can cause huge damage to our physical and mental health. In today’s episode, Ted’s guest, Dr. Mithu Storoni is going to dive deep into how chronic stress impacts mental, physical, and brain health, and what we should do to become stress-proof. Listen now!

475: How to Reset Your Metabolism for Weight Loss and Fat Burn with Ted Ryce

Talk about dieting frustration! You think you’re doing everything right; big salads for lunch, skipping dessert, turning down that second glass of wine when you’re out with friends. But for some reason, the pounds refuse to budge. If you’ve ever wondered if your metabolism is simply broken, you’re not alone, you need to listen to this episode to understand how to reset your metabolism to become a fat burning machine.

Ted Talk 102: Ask Ted: How Do I Stop Sabotaging My Health And Fitness Efforts On The Weekend?

During working days, strict diets and long workouts may not be so hard to follow. Weekends have the ability to sabotage all the efforts that we make during the week. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce will teach you how to stop sabotaging your health and fitness efforts on the weekend, plus five effective strategies to lose weight while enjoying your life! Listen now!

Ted Talk 98: Ask Ted: Do Hormones Stop Us From Losing Fat?

The media tells us that fat loss is not about calories, but it is actually about hormones. Is it true? In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted will answer a listener's question about the link between hormones and fat loss. If you want to know if your hormones are making you fat, listen now.

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