Health Optimization

Discover proven strategies and methods to reclaim your health and upgrade your body even if you’re super busy growing your business or career and taking care of your loved ones.

259: Facts and Myths You Should Know About Hormones, Fat Loss and Your Health with Dr. Karl Nadolsky

Many fitness gurus talk about how hormones are the key to fat loss and also that calories don’t matter. In this episode, we have endocrinologist and obesity doctor Dr. Karl Nadolsky, talking about all the weight loss and hormone myths and misconceptions that are holding you back. Also, he shares how to create a healthy lifestyle to get off meds and get you back on track. Listen now!

251: How Ancestral Health Can Help You Improve Your Modern Life with Keith Norris

Roughly one in three American adults is obese. Two out of every three adults are overweight. Why are we so fat? What is it about our modern lifestyle that is causing this epidemic? In this special episode, our guest, Keith Norris, will explain the root cause of our obesity epidemic and how ancestral health can help you overcome this and other diseases. He also shares how to use an “evolutionary lens” on other areas of your life to guide you towards living a life of passion and purpose. Listen to this episode and get ready to go Paleo and eat like a caveman.

249: The High Cost of Procrastination on Health, Happiness and Success with Ted Ryce

If you’re the worst kind of procrastinator this episode could help. In this episode, I'll explain why we decide to start saving more money, exercise more regularly and watch our diet—but fail to follow through time after time. Also, I'll reveal a powerful strategy to beat procrastination for once and all. Listen to this episode to learn how to fight your tendency to procrastinate and get ready to live a healthier, happier and more successful life.

248: Beat Inflammation and Improve Your Health Through Proper Training, Nutrition, And Supplementation with Dr. Joel Seedman

Most people want to live a long, healthy life. If that's something you aspire to, you should listen to this episode. Our special guest, Dr. Joel Seedman shares his knowledge on movement pattern, exercise, strength and muscle growth, supplementation, and diet to help you combat inflammation and live longer. Listen Now!

247: How To Beat Weight Gain, High Cholesterol and Diabetes with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky

On today’s episode, we’ll be discussing your health with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky. Dr. Nadolsky will also answer some questions from our listeners about blood work that will really help you understand the principles as well as the risk factors when it comes to heart disease, diabetes and systemic inflammation. Also, he will share 7 ways to boost your metabolism and much more. Listen Now!

244: 9 Steps to Optimum Health, Fitness, and Longevity with Dr. Ben House

Want to Live Longer? In this new episode, our special guest, Dr. Ben House, reveals the four pillars of optimum health, lifestyle changes for longevity, and the difference between conventional and functional medicine. Also, he explains how stress can lower men’s testosterone levels and much more. Listen now!

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