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So far admin has created 724 blog entries.

333: Our Christmas Episode with Ted Ryce & Gisele Oliveira

In this special episode, my wife Gisele and I talk about our experience in Asia for the last 9 months. We share how our experience completely changed us as individuals and our mission in life. Also, we share our special moments with our families in the U.S. and our goals for 2019. Listen to this episode to catch up with our travels, and also find out how you can change your values about family, material things, and yourself as a priority in your life.

332: The Power Of Resilience with Tom Heffner

Are you a person who is easily triggered and off-balanced by unexpected circumstances? Do you often suffer from road rage and stress? These days, we are frequently bombarded by situations that are often frustrating and out of our control. In this episode, our special guest Tom Heffner reveals a number of useful strategies you can apply to your life today. So, no matter what life throws at you, you’ll be able to feel less stressed, pursue opportunities with confidence, and stay calm and centered in the face of adversity.

331: 7 Things You Need To Give Up If You Want To Be Successful In 2019 with Ted Ryce

We all say that we want to be successful. Unfortunately, most of us haven't. We watch Netflix when we could be working on our business strategy. We eat junk food when we know healthier meals will give us the energy to get through the day and keep our waistlines in check. Stop doing these 7 time-wasters today and finally become more successful in life and make 2019 your best year ever. (Hint: there are a few secrets from my CEO clients!)

330: The Dirty Truth About The Supplement Industry with Mike Matthews

Did you know that more than half of Americans buy supplements to get the nutrition insurance they think they need? But the real question is: do you really need any of them? Do they really work? And if so, which ones are should you take? Our special guest Mike Matthews will answer all those questions and more in this eye-opening episode. He’ll reveal which supplements and supplement companies are a scam and which ones are worth your hard-earned money. Listen Now!

329: The Secret Weapon To Lower Blood Pressure & Prevent Injuries with Brad Thorpe

You've heard the expression, "You can achieve anything if you work hard enough at it." It's certainly true in some pursuits, but in the gym, too much sweat equity is more likely to leave you exhausted, uninspired, and even injured. Today's guest Brad Thorpe will teach you how to pump up your progress at the gym with while reducing blood pressure and preventing injuries. Listen now! 

328: How 9 Months In Asia Changed My Life with Ted Ryce

If you’re listening to the podcast for a while you know that Gisele and I are traveling through South East Asia for a while. I’m a big believer that "Travel is the only thing that you buy that makes you richer.” Listen to this episode to discover how taking a big risk and following my dream lead to an incredible journey and the biggest lessons that I've learned in the past 9 months that you can benefit from.

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