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So far admin has created 724 blog entries.

403: The 7 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Must Learn to Thrive with Rick Day

What separates the entrepreneurs that make it from those that don't? Leadership isn't easy. Neither is entrepreneurship. And yet, sometimes, the latter gives you incredible insights. In this episode, I speak with serial entrepreneur Rick Day, who reveals his biggest lessons as an entrepreneur and how you must learn how to thrive even during a crisis. Listen now!

Ted Talk 35: This is Why Changing Your Mindset Will Change the Way You Experience Life

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your life? Are you a 10? So happy that you honestly couldn't see how life could get any better? Or maybe you're closer to a 6 or 7, where you're pretty satisfied with life most of the time, but sometimes you wish for something more. Do you understand that you can change your life by changing your mind? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce reveals how you can change your mindset to create a better life and finally live life on your own terms. Listen Now!

402: The Secret To A Happy Life with Ed Latimore

Are you truly happy? Tons of articles, videos (and books) have been written about how to be happy. But it seems our brains are focused on survival. Our guest today, Ed Latimore, a heavyweight boxer, author, and physics major who transformed himself from someone battling with a heavy alcohol addiction into an inspiring, passionate, and knowledgeable human being. Listen to this episode to learn how to cultivate ongoing happiness.

Ted Talk 34: Dear Fitness and Diet ‘Guru’: I’m Tired Of Following Your Nonsense Advice

When it comes to healthy nutrition, dozens of diets claim to be the best for us. Whether your goal is weight loss, enhanced energy, or simply to be your healthiest, good nutritional expert advice is important. But where can you get the best nutrition information? Which foods, recipes, and diets offer the lifestyle and results you want? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce clears up the nutrition confusion and steers you in the right direction to become your own nutrition guru.

401: In Times Of Crisis, Make Stress Work For You with Ted Ryce

If you're not feeling stressed and anxious with this pandemic raise your hand. No one? No takers? Trying to live a completely stress-free life is a zero-sum game. The goal here is to figure out how to manage it effectively, so stops hindering your path forward. In this episode, Ted Ryce reveals how to manage and minimize the stress in your life right now. Plus, how to take back control of your thoughts, adopt a stronger, more focused mindset, and step into the role you were meant for. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 33: Help, I’m Doing Everything Right And Can’t Lose Weight? Is Weight Loss Resistance A Myth Or Harsh Reality?

What happens when you're doing everything right, eating healthfully, and exercising regularly, and the number on the scale isn't going down? Almost everyone hits a roadblock at some point on their weight-loss journey, but eventually, they overcome that plateau and continue losing weight. But when you stay consistently on course and yet weeks — even months — go by without the scales budging, that’s a problem. In this Ted Talk Episode, Ted will explain the numerous variables that can affect fat loss and how to overcome them and finally get results. Listen now!

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