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So far admin has created 724 blog entries.

480: How To Become Stress-Proof: The Secret To A Stress-Free Life with Dr. Mithu Storoni, MD, PhD

Stress is our body’s response to threat and danger, a response that is meant to protect us when working properly. It helps us stay alert, energetic, and focused in order to be able to defend ourselves in dangerous situations. But when it becomes chronic, stress can cause huge damage to our physical and mental health. In today’s episode, Ted’s guest, Dr. Mithu Storoni is going to dive deep into how chronic stress impacts mental, physical, and brain health, and what we should do to become stress-proof. Listen now!

Ted Talk 111: Black Friday Special: Invest In Yourself Instead Of Material Things

On Black Friday we all look for the best deals to buy the stuff that we believe will bring us happiness. But while buying a new device or taking the first drive in a new car can make you feel good for a short time, the thrill you felt at the beginning always fades and you find yourself back where you started, trying again to buy your way to happiness. Listen to this new Legendary Life Podcast episode to learn what you should invest in on this year’s Black Friday (and not only), instead of material stuff!

5 Smart Ways To Survive The Holidays Without Gaining Weight

It’s the season for revelry and cheer! But with beckoning desserts and snacks around every corner, it’s easy for healthy eating habits to get lost in the shuffle. However, it's possible to survive the holidays without weight gain. Read on to learn 5 strategies to enjoy the holidays without getting a santa-sized belly.

Ted Talk 110: Why We Get Fat (And What To Do About It)

Today's "obesogenic" environment encourages us to eat more and exercise less. But the first step to long-term fat loss results is understanding that being fat is not your fault. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce explains why your environment is making you fat. Also, he will reveal the mindset shift you need to make to transform your body. Listen now!

478: Food Tracking Made Easy: How to Track Your Food Without Becoming Totally Obsessive with Ted Ryce (Part 2)

In the first part of this series, we discussed food tracking, and Ted explained why it is the key to successful weight loss. In this second part, Ted reveals his five-step system to simplify food tracking, even if you're super busy. Tune in to take control of your nutrition and benefit from this weight loss secret weapon.

Ted Talk 109: How to Break Up with Your Bad Habits (Even If You’ve Tried Before)

Having habits is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many of our good habits are meant to make our lives easier and safer. Unfortunately, we also develop bad habits, unhealthy ones that can turn into addictions and self-sabotage. Why is this happening and how do we break a bad habit for good? Listen to this new Legendary Life podcast episode to find out!

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