Top-Ranked iTunes Health & Fitness Podcast10+ Million Downloads
hosted by: Ted Ryce

230: How To Take Control Of Your Health & Fitness In 2017 with Ted Ryce

First, Happy New Year!I hope you had a great holiday season and you’re ready to crush in 2017! And to be honest I want to help you make 2017 your best year ever. But, I don’t want you to just make another new year’s resolution.


Because for the most people don’t follow through and that’s why New Year’s resolution suck.

Despite what your friends, magazines and self-help types will say, making grandiose plans on January 1st is pretty pointless. People promise to lose weight, kick habits like smoking and dating losers and only eating 1.000 calories a day. We’re so optimistic only to fall flat on our faces. According to US News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. That’s right. Fail.

So, let’s skip the New Year’s resolution and let’s focus on achieving more in 2017 —the right way.

I want you to stop for a second and ask yourself… What would it be like if you were completely focused on what you wanted to accomplish in 2017?

No competing priorities, confusion, distraction, fear, or lack of confidence…

How it would feel if every time you put your mind to something, you got it done…you didn’t start and stop…and you never got off track?

How would it feel if you simply finished what you started — no questions asked!

I just created a video training for you called “How to take control of your health and life in 2017.


Because, I spent almost 20 years refining my own health and fitness system to help people transform their health, body, and lives.

Because, Legendary Life Podcast is all about taking care of you so that you can live a Legendary Life.

Because, I believe that health and fitness form the foundation of success. That’s why I push so hard.

And also, because let’s be honest for a second…I want to ask you a few questions.

  • Are you tired, frustrated and still struggling to get a simple workout in or reign in your diet?
  • Are you disappointed when you look in the mirror or stand on the bathroom scale?
  • Have you wasted hard-earned money on fad diets, trendy exercise equipment or some food program that just doesn’t work for you?
  • Do you feel that you need to start taking better care of yourself?
  • Do you feel it’s time to make my health more of a priority?
  • Do you have trouble finding the energy to complete normal day-to-day activities, let alone getting any kind of exercise?

Unless I’ve missed my guess, chances are that you’ve answered “yes” — for either yourself or someone you care about — to at least one of those questions. And you are correct to assume that the problem will only get worse for you and your family unless you do something about it.

And that’s why I created this free training for you. Because, I want YOU to finally take control of your health and fitness in 2017.

If you like the idea, but you’re not sure if you can make it happen.

Let me tell you what you can accomplish if you invest in your health and fitness in 2017:

  • Lose weight (even when you’d been trying for years)
  • Feel more confident and achieve more in life
  • Be a role model for your kids
  • Save money
  • Run half-marathons, marathons, and races of all kinds
  • Built, rebuilt, and deepened your relationships
  • Develop resilience to continue when life got hard
  • Grow your business or elevate your career

… and that’s not even the tip of the iceberg.

I’m constantly amazed and inspired by what people have accomplished when they invest in their health and their body. It’s often hard to get through — but the results it delivers are truly amazing.

Also, let’s remember that you can’t put a price on your health.

Yet, without your health, you don’t really have anything. But think of all the tangibles and intangibles that are involved:

  • The time, money and inconvenience of doctor’s visits…
  • Expensive pharmaceuticals with their endless side effects…
  • Pain and suffering that can’t be measured…

Maybe you’re one of the millions of Americans who’ve spent hard-earned money on diet programs, joined some weight loss club, or bought some fad piece of exercise equipment that quickly became an expensive clothes rack. Has any of it helped? You may even have considered some type of surgical procedure to help lose the weight.

But you don’t need any of that!

The information I have jam-packed into this video training will help you get to and maintain your desired weight.

So, that’s my message for you today. Think about everything you just heard… TODAY, you can get the resources you need to make 2017 your best year ever.

For a short window of time, this video training is available for FREE. So, let me help you transform your health, body and life in 2017.

Don’t just watch the video put it into action right away.

Check out the Free Video Series!

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to the ASK TED section.

Don’t forget to join the FREE Video Training to change your health, body, and live a Legendary Life.

Until next time!


Next Episode

232: Why You Need Unwavering Commitment To Achieve Your Goals with Ted Ryce

About the Show

The Legendary Life is a fun and enlightening look at health fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging, and cutting-edge health advice from celebrity fitness trainer Ted Ryce. Ted’s clientele consists of celebrities, including Richard Branson, Ricky Martin, and Robert Downey Jr., CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies, and other high performers.

He breaks down countless health topics and provides science-backed solutions and the most effective, uncommon strategies to rapidly lose weight, improve your health, and upgrade your physical and mental performance, so you can live the life you deserve.

He breaks it down by providing science-based information so you can clear up the confusion and finally lose weight, fight disease, and live a longer, healthier life.

No guru. No fluff. And no preaching of generic fitness advice here. Along the way, Ted shares his own journey of how he turned great tragedy and loss into success and hope.

Now, his mission is to empower you with the tools and the knowledge you need to live your best life. New episodes every Monday and Friday.