Personal Development

Discover proven methods to address your inner conflicts, unlock your true potential, and align your life with what you really value, so you can create a legendary life.

Ted Talk 25: How to Stop Avoiding What Scares or Overwhelms You

Most people are pretty good at coming up with goals and visions for their future, and many of us are pretty good at developing plans to achieve those things. But the truth is that 90% of  people romanticize their plans but dread the execution. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted talks about resistance and how it can be your greatest enemy in living the extraordinary life you're meant to live. Plus, he offers many unique and practical ways to overcome it. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 24: Get Out Of Your Own Way

Have you ever wanted something so badly... for so long... trying so damn hard... but time and again you ended up failing miserably? Have you ever wondered why you keep repeating the same patterns of behavior over and over again and keep getting precisely the same pitiful results? If you answered YES, listen to this Ted Talk episode to learn how to unlock your true motivation, harness your willpower, and get out of your own way.

Ted Talk 21: My Dad Is Driving Me Insane Part 2. Help!

We’ve all been there. Be it work, school, or with your parents or relatives, we’ve all found ourselves in situations where we have been forced to interact with people we find to be “difficult” or even toxic. In this Ted Talk episode part 2, I share with you what I'm going through with my dad and how I survived. Plus, I reveal strategies on how you can thrive in similar situations. Listen Now!

385: Living an Extraordinary Life with Ph.D. David Tian

Most of us desire to leave our mark on the world. We have this urge to create an extraordinary life. Yet, while focusing on everyday life we tend to get lost, confused, and uncertain. In this interview, Ph.D. David Tian reveals powerful tools for creating an extraordinary life of meaning and fulfillment. This is the blueprint for taking your life to a level you once only dreamed of. Listen now!

384: 7 No-Nonsense Action Steps to Help You Achieve Success with Jeff Sanders

Motivation is a flimsy thing. It ebbs and flows, and often abandons us when we need it most. That’s why we need something better than motivation to help us achieve our biggest goals. In this special episode, Jeff Sanders shares powerful strategies on how to overcome your fears and achieve success faster. Listen Now!

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