Health Optimization

Discover proven strategies and methods to reclaim your health and upgrade your body even if you’re super busy growing your business or career and taking care of your loved ones.

410: Why Does COVID-19 Kill Some People & Spare Others with Ted Ryce

The novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 seems to hit some people harder than others, with some people experiencing only mild symptoms and others being hospitalized and requiring ventilation. In this episode, Ted shares the latest research on the coronavirus and how you can protect yourself and others. Listen now!

408: Weight Loss & Metabolic Slowdown: What’s Going On? with Ted Ryce

Your body's metabolism is often touted as the hidden secret of weight-loss success—a fast one helps you lose weight, and a slower one can work against you. But can shedding pounds actually make your metabolism slow down and turn sluggish? In this episode, Ted will debunk myths about metabolism and also teach you how to boost your metabolism, burn fat, and increase energy. Listen now!

Ted Talk 40: COVID-19 Times: I Went From a Breakdown to a Breakthrough

Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. The good news is that more often than we think your greatest gift is revealed after you fell apart. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted shares how he went from a breakdown to a breakthrough. Listen to learn how you can identify what lesson, gift, or wisdom was made available to you as a result of your experience during the Covid-19 times.

406: Getting Back In Shape After Coronavirus Quarantine with Ted Ryce

Life in lockdown has disrupted all our lives, creating the perfect setup for putting on pounds. So, how can you get back in shape after the Covid-19 quarantine? In this episode, celebrity trainer Ted Ryce reveals how you can get back on track without killing yourself at the gym or following crazy diets. Listen now!

Ted Talk 37: Overwhelmed? How To Focus On Controlling The Controllable

We are all busy, and over the past months, no doubt, we're feeling overwhelmed and maybe even hopeless. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted talks about how he is handling his dad's health scare and also teaches you how to control the controllable. Listen now!

404: Asian Secrets To A Happy, Long & Healthy Life with Ror Alexander

Statistically, Asians are the slimmest people on Earth. "That’s genetics," you’ll say. But that’s not true: traditions and habits also play a big part in staying fit. In this episode, our special guest “The Wellness Architect” Ror Alexander reveals secrets that help Asians stay in shape without strict diets or exhausting exercises, and the best part live longer and healthier. Listen now!

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